Five simple ways you can cleanse your aura

1 )Yes, you can do it yourself

Tell us if this sounds familiar. You are falling sick a little too often and feel irritated and wound up all the time. You are not able to sleep properly and no matter what you do, your body and mind seem to be in a perpetual state of exhaustion. If you seem to relate with all the above signs and symptoms, maybe it is time to clean your aura.

What is an aura

Your aura is the energy field that surrounds your body. It acts as a magnetic field of energy that picks up on emotions, health, psychic debris and circumstances around you. Your aura can experience stress as you exchange energies with those around you, which is exactly why you need to clean your auric field from time to time.

2) What happens when your aura is weak or stressed

The aura is heavily impacted by the situations and people you interact with. Since you are constantly exchanging energies with the people around you, it is common for your auric field to get weak due to cluttered psychic debris or even picking on other people’s negative emotions and energy.

As a result, you may feel stressed, anxious, irritated, lethargic, impatient, and even develop a negative outlook towards the world. Your immune system may also take a beating, making you highly susceptible to falling sick.

Luckily, you can clean your aura from the comfort of your own home, all it takes is a little practice. Once you start cleansing your aura, you will experience a drastic difference in the way you feel and return your mind and body to peace.

Here are five ways you can clean your aura at home:

3)Take an aura cleansing bath or shower

There is a reason why you feel incredibly refreshed and inspired after taking a shower. Aura cleansing bath is a ritualistic bathing process where you make use of salts, essentials oils and sacred herbs to clean your energy field.

Fill the bathtub, add a few drops of eucalyptus or lavender essential oil and a cup of Himalayan sea salt. You can also add sandalwood, sage and rose to enhance the cleansing effect.

You can start by soaking yourself in the bath for at least 10 minutes. Alternatively, if you are taking a shower, visualise your aura is getting repaired and healed as the water drips down your body. Imagine negativity escaping your body as the water starts draining.

Also visualise, divine energy flowing through you as you clean your entire body and imagine a white bubbling light surrounding you.

Make sure to discard the herbs and flowers after each use. Drain the remaining saltwater.

4) Smudging

One of the oldest aura cleansing practices is smudging with dried white sage. Smudging is basically the burning of sacred herbs and using the smoke coming out of it, to cleanse your aura. To do this, you can use any of the herbs including sage, thyme and cedar. To do so, light the bundle of herbs like an incense stick and pass the smoke gently over each and every part of your body.

5) Walk in the rain

One of the easiest ways to cleanse your aura is to take a walk in the rain. Step out when it is raining gently and close your eyes as you let the raindrops soak you completely. Imagine all the negativity and toxicity getting washed away with the rain. You can also go for a swim in a lake for a similar effect on your aura. However, make it it a point to avoid this process when rain is accompanied by thunderstorms.

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